Saturday, December 1, 2007

Met up with TT today and went to the airport to have a glimpse of the new T3. Been there once on my own about a week ago but today is different because we paid a dollar and entered the transit area which has much more to offer than the public area.

Sumptous Lunch @ Fish & Co with TT before heading to T3

Preview of the new T3 :

The Spacious & Airy Check-in area at the Departure Hall

Entering the Restricted Departure Area

Crossroad-A place to unwind before your flt :D

Koi Pond

The very nice and unique Baggage claim area

Oh one very interesting thing about T3 is its toilets. Different toilets have different theme and designs...really cool.

Would like to say that the new T3 is really big, spacious and nice. Really a vast improvement from both T1 & T2. Hope that it will be as efficient, if not better than both T1 & T2.

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